Blogging as a strategic communication tool:

I remember when blogging first took off years ago, my first impression was negative. I read a few blogs and found them rambling diatribes from would be revolutionaries and journalists. By and large, I would never bother clicking on links to a blog or, if I did, I would quickly hit the back button on my browser. Maybe I was a bit harsh or did not see their potential. As time has passed there are now some very good blogs. I find items on DIY and travel to be informative and give me useful tips whilst on my travels or pulling the house apart. The question is though, how is blogging a strategic communication tool?

Blogging is an excellent way to optimise your website. Search engines work by using algorithms that cleverly rate websites. By having interesting blogs related to your product or service you can increase your websites rating on google search. Google is by far the most popular search engine, particularly in Europe, 90% and over use it. For example, lets suppose you sell paint, you could write blogs on painting techniques and colour coordination. Search engines love text, if these blogs are informative and links to them are pursed, potential customers who initially visit your website for information may then look at your products, but also, this extra traffic optimises your ratings on Google search. This is a great way to promote your product for free!

With strategic use of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google +, you can further promote these blogs, by making regular posts and links to good content, you can then intermittently recommend links to your own blog. Also using good titles, with words related to your area of business will also help with optimisation.

It is now a common practise for potential customers to explore options online before they make a purchase or use a service. Blogging can really help here with brand awareness. Blogging platforms like WordPress allow you to geotag your location. So if you own a restaurant in a particular area and someone searches for restaurants in that area, you have an opportunity to promote your business.

Blogging is not the only answer to getting your brand recognised, but it certainly is an effective tool to put into practise when promoting your business.

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